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1966 photo provided by Sharon | 1986 Reunion |
Update - I finally graduated from college May 30, 2010! Only 40 years after the fact, but better late than never, right?
Just visited the Class of '66 Web site and saw that you have a section on the Pop Festival. I was there for the Saturday night session - it was awesome! The performances were the greatest, the air thick with marijuana smoke. I have a nearly perfectly preserved edition of the Annual that was available during the festival. It contains a history of the creation of the festival - really interesting. I wish I would have sent in my $2.98 for the followup annual that contained actual pictures of the event.
No longer married. Made the decision last year that I did not want to spend the next 32 years of my life like I had spent the last 32. Am now in the process of trying to figure out who I am at this stage of my life and what I want to do when I grow up. I came away from my marriage with two wonderful children - my son Patrick is 29 and my daughter Heather is 25. I have worked at Linfield College since 1989, the last 13 of which have been in the financial aid office. I coordinate the student loan program. The job is very fulfilling and I work with a great group of people. I was able to keep my house after the divorce, so continue to live in the country on a small acreage.