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1966 Yearbook photo | 1986 Reunion |
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2006 Reunion with Dixie Layne | 2006 Reunion - Greg Dorman and Connie Valentini |
My calling came to me late in life. After caring for my grandson for the first five years of his life (he was born when I was 62) I knew where my heart wanted to be. Fortunately, I have created a business where I am able to care for young kids and become an honorary member of many families.
Last year in May I became a grandmother for the first time. My daughter and her husband are both science teachers and I have become their baby sitter. I love my job and my grandson immensely, and at my age it takes a lot of energy to do it all. I am hoping to have a school break around that time and be regenerated and have enough of myself to share with old classmates.
This year (2010) on May 17th I became a grandmother for the first time. His name is Reed (he looks like the Pillsbury Dough Boy!) and he is the love of my life. We hang out together 3 days a week while mom and dad teach.
I have been working for Dr. Ed Jarvis, the local chiropractor/healer for over 20 years. I have been blessed with lots of love in my life.