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September, 2021
From Terry Leach - I don’t know if you are aware of it, but Terry Garner - Stafford passed away this week. As far as I know there is no obit yet (As of July, 2022, no obit has been found), but there is going to be an online Memorial for her sometime in the future.
She was living on Salt Island, BC. She died of Cancer.
Jack and I married the year I graduated in '66. We have now been married for 37 years. (wow, those big numbers are really coming at us!) Jack is a professional musician, well respected for his jazz and for his skills playing in orchestras for touring shows. He teaches university and college classes and leads a jazz band for a local college, and he plays with the Vancouver Symphony as the featured player for most of their Pops concerts. I have written and illustrated several children's books, and illustrated some that I did not write. I have been a La Leche League Leader for 30 years, and am now on the La Leche League Canada Board of Directors. My paying job (as opposed to volunteer!) is as the Director of Religious Education (DRE) for Beacon Unitarian Church. I love it, and enjoy making the children's program a vibrant one, that offers families a community that helps them raise ethical children who have the courage to ask questions and think "outside the box.!"
Jack and I have three daughters --and thanks to our oldest daughter and her husband, we became the delighted grandparents of "Theo" four months ago. We are all enjoying him enormously. Besides being a new mommy, our oldest works on films in the art department. Our middle daughter is doing graduate studies, majoring in Women's Studies. Our youngest (who was an infant when I came to the 20th reunion) is now 17, and is the last one of our three still at home. She is very musically gifted and appreciates her father's jazz. I do NOT look forward to an empty nest --as our big old house has always been a busy hub of activity. Still, I imagine this will continue through Theo!