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1966 Yearbook photo | Allison (in the middle) as a faux proctologist |
As of 11/3/2009
I have always been horsey and after losing my arab geldin of 30 years, I quit riding and didn't want the hassle. Work is slow and I had nothing to do and BAMM, didn't I run into one of my sons' friend who had a horse he wanted to give away, And here I am again, back where I should be - 61 and still ride, shoe horses and love every minute of it.
As of 10/6/04
Never had much feeling for people in high school. Was always a stanger. My father was in the service and I went to 14 different grammer schools. but never felt so ostercised as I did at PG high. I think its an age thing. I hold no grudge. I'm successful now, and it comes from estrangement, the desire to achieve. But curious what has happened to the rest of you.